Travel out of state

We are a manufacturing company in AZ. We are sending 1 salary employee and 2 hourly employees to Atlanta and North Carolina to see new products from different vendors. They will leave on a Monday and will return on a Friday.
Since they will be flying to both cities I understand that I don't need to pay for the travel time. I also understand that the salary employee will get pay as usual. What do we do with the houlry employees? They are not going to work the same schedule. In AZ they work from 5am-1pm. In Atlanta and North Carolina they will work from 9-5pm ( give and take). Do I pay them from the time they get to the vendors/shows until they are gone? If the show is at 8am-6pm. Do I pay them 8 regular hours and 1 hour overtime? What do I do when they work 8am to 7pm but maybe they had 2 hours lunch? I read everything about the regulations but they are still confusing. Please help they are leaving this Monday!!


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Take a look at the various FLSA regulaitons that address travel for non-exempt employees (and exempts probably could be included in some of them). These regualtions may provide some guidance. Take a look at hte provision in 29CFR785.35 through .41

    The link is...[url][/url]

    You will see that the non-exempts are to be paid for any travel time required by the employer that occurs during their regular work hours, even on weekends.
    if they are headquartered at their motel room while they are in the other cities, then you would probably need to pay them for their travel time to the vendor shows. You don't explain exactly what their housing/headquarters and work duties will be while on the trip. You can set the hours they are to report to the vendor shows. Are you going to make those shows the work place headquarters for the day? Lunch time is not work time. Set the hours you want them to be at the show and how much time you want them to take for meal period.

  • Yes. The shows will be their job base for that week. They will go from the Airport to the shows to the hotel etc... The have to go to 2 cities so teh hotels will change. The salary employee will make the decision if the products are good enough for us to purchase. The 2 hourly eployees will train on the product and give feedback to the salary employee. What about the meals? Do we have to pay for them?
  • If the hourly employees are relieved from their job duties during while they are at meals then you do not have to pay them.
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