Can I Give FML If I Want To?

First time here. We are a non-profit with 130 EEs in three locations in Virginia. Each facility is separated by the 75 miles so according to the law the two offices one with 29 EEs and the other 9 EEs are not eligible for FML. This is our first brush with FMLA in the smaller offices. The EE is adopting. Is the law mandating that the organization cannot offer the EEs in the outlining offices the oppportunity of FMLA? If we did offer FML could we run into problems with our group medical not recognizing this EE as under FMLA and consider her not actively at work and then we all get into insurance coverage squabbles? Or should we just not venture into this beyond the home office and allow her leave w/o pay and do the COBRA thing on reduction of hours? Am I making any sense? Boy its getting confusing.


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