Lost Time Recordable

We have an employee who was injured early in the year and has been working with restrictions but has still been able to perform his job. He has not lost any time since the injury. Our work comp carrier is sending him for an IME and he is probably going to miss work the day of the IME. Will the day that he misses turn this from an OSHA recordable for restricted days into an OSHA recordable for lost time? This is an unusual case for us because usually when an employee gets to the point of an IME, they have already lost time. Any advice or opinions on this matter would be great.


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I believe that on the OSHA log, you are required to list restricted work activity OR days off work, whichever is more serious. I would say that all the time he has been working restricted duty would be more serious.

    And the more I think about it, I would not even consider the day off for the IME to be a day away from work since he is not disabled, just at an appointment.

    We would pay the employee at an IME the same as if they were working their modified duty job, although some companies require the use of benefit time/PTO for appointments.
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