3rd Party Surveillance Company??

We have had a few cases in the past year where we think an employee is comitting workers comp fraud. We notified our workers comp carrier but they did not do much investigation and we don't believe they did any sort of surveillance even after we told them we thought this employee was comitting fraud. Our company is located in Southern Maine and there are not many workers comp carriers out here (our management wants to stick with a "local" carrier, won't go with a national one) so we are pretty much stuck with what we've got. So my question is, has anyone had any luck using a 3rd Party Surveillance Company (a PI) in addition to their workers comp carrier? Also, do most of you tend to work with local in-state workers comp carriers or do you have national carriers?

Any help is appreciated!



  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Have used surveillance companies before with mixed results. When it can be shown that after leaving court or the doctor saying they can barely move and then shown fine later that day it helps............. but video alone will not always convience a judge. You need to make sure the treating physician KNOWS about the issues so they can step up and make the right decision.
    My $0.02 worth!
    DJ The Balloonman
  • We work with a state carrier right now. I sympathize with your situation I have had and am still going through 2 such cases were the WC carrier dropped the ball. We suggested to them to put surveillance on them but they failed to do so. These cases have been open for almost 2yrs and still going.

    The officers of the co agreed if another comes up (knock on wood) like these cases we will put surveillance on them. Also contact WC carrier of any suspicions as soon as possible.

    It is also good to have a good working relationship with the doctors in your area.
  • We simply direct the carrier to conduct the surveillance if we suspected abuse.
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