out of town workers - off duty

We are a roofing company and frequently work out of town. We supply hotel rooms for the roofers. This year there have been 2 fights where property damage has occurred, but no injuries. There was drinking involved and it was after hours both times. Who is liable if one of our employees is injured or if an employee injures someone else? Can we impose drinking restrictions if they are out of town? Thanks!


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • This is a tough one as each state has different laws. I myself have not dealt with this issue. I know if they are roofers, then they are hourly. I would clearly state in a memo or policy that workers are only considered working during the time they are on the clock and all other time is considered personal. That still may not fly with the division of wc, but it is a start.
    Call your state division of WC and pose the same question to them.
    My $0.02 worth, sorry it was not more helpful.
    DJ The Balloonman
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