OSHA Recordable?

We have an employee who injured her finger, she went to the walk in clinic and was given a finger splint, no prescription medication and no follow-up was required. Although she was provided with some "restrictions", she was still able to perform the functions of the job. She returned to work but informed the supervisor that her finger hurt and because it was slow, the supervisor allowed her to go home early. In addition there were a couple of days that she didn't work due to the combination of it being slow and her complaints about her finger (this was at her request and not that of the company).

Based on the information provided by OSHA, her medical treatment would fall under first aid (at least that is my interpretation) but I'm not sure it I should record it due to time missed from work.

Any assistance would be appreciated.


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Linda, you are correct in my opinion that this is first aid and not medical treat. As for the going home issue, I have run into that before with less than motivated employees. You can't win if you make them stay and work either. What I have always done in the past is I let them know that the doctor has said they can work, but if they want to take a day or two off on their own that is fine but they will not be paid, and they will be missing due to personal choice not injury. Make sure you put a time limit on what you consider reasonable, if not things can really drag out. I would also say well because it is slow we have no problem with you taking a day or two if you feel you need it.
    I would not consider this recordable at all.
    My $0.02 worth.
    DJ The Balloonman
  • That is what I thought but I wanted to make sure.
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