Anybody ever used Knowledge Point Performance Now?

I have encountered this performance review software and cannot find anybody who has ever heard of it. Have any of you ever used it? What was your experience like? Was it any good?
I'd appreciate any help at all!
I'd appreciate any help at all!
I have the 4-product suite that includes the performance review product , task manager, and policy writer, but I haven't used any more than than the JD part so far.
We've now developed our own review form (using the best of several that I received from other forumites) that our company loves. Good luck!
The product is easy to install, set up, and use. In the Knowledge Point Performance Now (Evaluation product) there is a 5 point scale, 1 is poor and 5 is excellent. You just point and click on one of the numbers for each evaluation element and text appears that accurately describes the performance. The only disadvantage is It comes with a one station license, so the supervisors must do their reviews from my computer; however, the advantage to this is it affords me the opportunity to interact with the supervisors in making sure that they are doing their reviews fairly and accurately.