New Job Offer....PTO?

Hello all...I'm excited because I have been extended an offer within $1500 of what I was asking. I was told I would also receive 21 PTO days. My current job does not have PTO and I receive 4 weeks of vacation plus 9 Holidays.

I was referred to the new job's Benefits Manager for questions but she is in a meeting. When under PTO for 21 days does that normally include holidays?

If not, the way I'm lookin at it is I'm giving up 9 holidays, 1 week of vacation and 10 days' sick time.

How should I counter this offer? I want to accept but as a "seasoned" person accepting the HR Manager position in an 1100 ee HealthCare facility I want to get what I can going in, within reason. Additionally I'm leaving $16500 on the table here due to not being vested for another one and a half years even though I have been employed here over 5 years.

My sincerest appreciation for any guidance!

Jane in Lex


  • 9 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • PTO does not normally include holidays. PTO normally includes vacation and sick time (incidental). Meaning, if your sick, child is sick or you need the day off, use PTO. I would ask about STD benefits and how PTO coordinates with that. We offer 50% salary during STD but employees are required to supplement the other 50% with PTO.
    Good luck!
  • >PTO does not normally include holidays. PTO
    >normally includes vacation and sick time
    >(incidental). Meaning, if your sick, child is
    >sick or you need the day off, use PTO. I would
    >ask about STD benefits and how PTO coordinates
    >with that. We offer 50% salary during STD but
    >employees are required to supplement the other
    >50% with PTO.
    >Good luck!

    What is STD?


  • People in HR should know how to negotiate. You will never be in a stronger position to negotiate than now as once you accept, the company will expect you to be content with what was negotiated. Often money is a big issue and time off may be more possible. Ask for more time off and see how "soft" the position of the employer may be.

    Bottom line: If you don't ask, you don't get.
  • I agree. I've had several candidates negotiate for more vacation. For those we've bargained with, it's been great.
  • Perhaps a dumb question, but can vacation time be used as a bargaining tool?

    In our plants we have different vacation benefits for exempt and nonexempt employees. But within those two divisions, we give all employees the same vacation benefits based on a standard time of service. I get the impression from this thread that when negotiating for a new position, the company can offer different vacation benefits based on different criteria to employees within the same general job catagory, i.e., exempt vs nonexempt.

    Can I offer a new comptroller 4 weeks of vacation after 2 years while the company HR Director or Sales Manager has to wait 5 years before getting 4 weeks of vacation?

    For the sake of this discussion let's not include senior executives, which have a different set of perks.
  • We've bargained with upper management, not necessarily line management or those without any supervisory responsibilities. And it's only been three times in the last 5 years. If the candidate was the best qualified and the only thing standing in our way was a few extra days, then yes, I would approve. We approved an extra week for a new sales manager two years ago. And we rehired another manager and allowed her some extra time. Five years ago I was hired as HR Director and was going from 4 weeks to 2 weeks PTO. Ouch! I asked for another week and got it. Then we changed our entire plan the following year and I now have more time than I know what to do with! (27 days, although I'm sure I won't waste them)
    Work/life balance seems to be the #1 discussion nowadays. The job market is so bad in our area. Good candidates are few and far between. I'll gladly make this happen if needed.
  • I would certainly discuss whether or not holidays are included in the PTO account with the potential new employer. I worked for one company where holidays were included.

    Many employers do have set paid time off packages and may not be able to negotiate with you, however, if you don't ask, you'll kick yourself later if you don't try!

    Good luck and happy TGIF! :DD
  • Thanks to all who replied. I found out that holidays were not included in this particular PTO but the employer does pay for them (9), benefits are better than where I am and you all were right, if you ask for more $$ you get it!

    I think I just wanted you all to give me the courage to do it!

    Again, many thanks!

    Jane in Lex

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