Driver's License Numbers

We are a small company. Our insurance company is asking us to update our "Drivers" list and we are realizing that at some time or other almost EVERY ee is asked to drive for us - to run to pick up this or that. What would be the appropriate document on which to ask for a DL number?? Application? 1st Day information packet? Not at all? Many thanks!


  • 11 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I ask for it on our "Disclosure and Release of Motor Vehicle Information Authorization" form when I run the driver's MVR report. This is done during orientation.

    Our application asks questions about the applicant's driving record also.

    Don't forget your forklift drivers also.
  • Thank you. I guess we aren't always sure when we hire - until we need someone on the spot - that they will be driving for us. Do you tell everyone they might be driving at time of hire and have them fill out this form, just in case?? or does this never come up in your company?
  • No, not everyone gets tapped to drive for us. I only track the ones that I know will be driving for us., whether it be personal vehicle, company vehicle, or any motorized vehicle in the plant.
  • >I ask for it on our "Disclosure and Release of
    >Motor Vehicle Information Authorization" form
    >when I run the driver's MVR report. This is done
    >during orientation.

    Larry, would you please e-mail me a copy of this form? [u][/u]

    Thanks much,
  • Larry, I would also like a copy of this form. My e-mail address is [email][/email].
  • Just a small number of our ee's drive for the company and we used a specific form requesting that information.
  • I would ask your insurance company for the form. Our insurance company provides their form to us and we have each employee fill it out at time of hire. Like you we have the occasional driver and to help keep our insurance costs down we print on the top of the form that the employee is and incidental or occasional driver when driving is not a regular part of their job.
  • You may also want to include occational driving on your ee's PDs. I have very few ees that are required to drive but those that are I list on PD under duties & licenses required.
  • We ask for it on the application:
    If you are hired or transferred into a position of operating a vehicle, we will require a copy of your current DMV driving record.
    Do you authorize the investigation of your DMV record? Yes No
    Driver's License Number:____ State:____ Expiration Date:

    I keep a current copy of the DL for everyone who drives for the company. (You don't want someone you are insuring to not have a valid license!) I make the copy during orientation and put it in a separate file.
  • You may want to consider requiring your applicants to sign a consent form allowing you to check not only their MVR but also a criminal check as well. We have been doing this for years and you wouldn't believe the number of folks that have criminal backgrounds. We do not automatically bar them from employment, but depending upon the offense (and whether they disclosed it on the job appliclation that asks if they were ever convicted, or plead guilty to any crime)we determine suitablitiy for employment. Someone with DUI's and drug related offenses wouldn't be considered for ANY position invloving driving a vehicle. The consent form requires disclosure of thier driver license number. I would also recommend you perform a social security number trace which tells you all the states where the employee has lived, so you can check MVR's and criminal histories in those states as well. Many people attempt to hide their past and move from state to state to remain undetected in the employment world. It's worth the time and energy to check them out.
  • Great advice, everyone. We do include permission to do checks on our application, but I think I like the idea of getting the DL# upfront.
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