
What is the best way of handling handbooks? Spell out every detail or be vague by "see your supervisor".
This came about regarding a request for Tuition Reimbursement.
This came about regarding a request for Tuition Reimbursement.
We do add specific sign-offs of the whole policy for harassment, technology, and fmla.
Our employee handbook is available in print form but it "lives" on our intranet, as do the referenced policies and procedures. So we are able to provide links at each point in the handbook where a policy or procedure is referenced, which provides an easy way for an employee with a particular question or concern to look further.
By the way, I don't mean to make this sound easy! It took me months to write our handbook, and I struggled a lot with the issue you've posed of too much vs. too little detail. Good luck!
Yours for the asking. I tried to e-mail you but your address is dis-abled.
>with your e-mail address and I will give to you
>for your use as you deem appropriate a copy of
>our handbook which strives to reach the middle
>ground and a safe harbor. It has served me well
>for the last 20 years and been installed into 5
>different companies with only minor changes to
>the words to fit the new company plan of action
>on each of 82 articles or maybe it is 72
>articles in 82 pages.
>Yours for the asking. I tried to e-mail you but
>your address is dis-abled.
thanks, Pork,
My eamil is [email]sdion@designlabel.com[/email]
I'll send you ours also.
I did and something is wrong in the address, I used: [email]ghcshr@pgcom.net[/email]. Can you identify what may be my problem? If you do not mind and if interested, why don't you send me an e-mail message and I will then reply, accordingly. I am known to not know how to use these new HR devices: computers, in general.
Oh -- thanks to all who take the time to help us all!