Fecal Matter

Has anyone ever heard of having to handle a situation where an employee has an obvious health problem and has not made it to the bathroom in time?

We had a 3rd occurance this morning and this time we are certain who it is. The other 2 times, we had video tape from around the elevators, which are right next to the hall to the restrooms. This person appeared on the tapes during the time frame it had to have happened, but we could not be sure (other people were in the area during that time frame as well). Today's tape leaves no further questions.

We're not talking about a little bit of a mess (excuse the pun) in the bathroom itself. We are talking major damage to carpeting in and around the elevators and the hall to the bathroom, besides inside the bathroom.

I know it's a double edge sword. We have to be concerned for the safety of our other employees and tenants, but we also have to consider the employee and an apparant medical problem.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


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