Manager wants her own copy

Is there anything wrong with a manager having (and keeping) her own copy of a newly hired employee's resume? The original is being kept (per our standard operating procedure) in the employee's personnel file.


  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • There is nothing illegal about it. Strange, maybe.

    As long as they don't circumvent your SOP, I wouldn't make a big issue. I'd be curious why they want to do it and that may affect my answer.

  • I agree with SMace. Resumes, like other employee information, should be kept confidential. Usually the only time the GM or a department head would have a resume is during the hiring process.

  • I give our manager's copies of the resume and application when they interview, but like to have them back for shredding.

    If hired, the originals go into the personnel file which the manager would have access to. I can not imagine why it would present a problem, however, unless the person included SS#, birthdates, etc., and such on the resume -- which would be blacedout by me prior to distribution anyway.
  • Perhaps the manager is looking for a job and liked the format?
  • I don't see a problem with the manager keeping a copy of the resume, as long as they keep it in their files and don't share it around the organization.

    Actually, I encourage supervisors to keep a file on their direct reports-- with performance reviews, additional performance memos, project assignment memos, kudos, and, of course, documentation of any disciplinary actions....on the theory of "document document document....."
    And I'm pretty sure some of our managers keep resumes in these files, too.

    One note, though-- our application for employment is a separate and distinct form from the EE's or candidate's resume. I'm very strict with the application form (which does contain the applicant's SSN, and other private/sensitive information, including criminal convictions, if any). Only HR ever sees and screens the application forms; we do not allow managers/supervisors to see these in the selection/hiring process.

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