Additional compensation for exempt employees

I am wondering if and how other companies compensate exempt staff who put in extra hours, above the normal "extra hours" or who have additional travel and time spent away. We have an engineer who over the last year has had to spend a lot of time out on special installation projects. Do any of you do anything extra in the way of additional compensation, vacation or anything else for these types of situations? This employee wants more! Your opinions are experience are so valued!


  • 6 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • The only time we do is when we require a supervisor to work an extra shift to fill in for a vacation. We then give a flat $$ amount as a "bonus" for the extra shift.

    Tell your engineer that there is a HR MGR. in Tennessee that spends a whole lot of extra time working on projects, completing reports and listening to employee's gripes and concerns that doesn't get any type of monetary compensation. My compensation comes from the fact that I am personally satisfied with the job that I do!!!
  • It is quite common in certain industries (especially aerospace) to do this, and engineers fall into the categories for which it is done. The typical policy is some sort of overtime scheme to make sure that hourly workers don't make more money than the engineer or supervisor. The most typical policy is straight time for the hours over 40 or whatever the company chooses as the kicking in point. Sometimes it is tied in to a particular project and is discontinued after the project is completed. You can pretty much do what you want to do, other than you should not do it for one person and not another.
  • During year end closings, our finance team burns the midnight oil for weeks at a time. The Finance Director gives his folks an extra comp or personal day to take whenever they choose.
  • You can be as creative as you want. "Compensation" comes in many forms. A few weeks ago my wife's boss's - boss's - boss handed her an entire luxury box for a Phillies game, food and beverages for 16 people completely paid for. For some folks however, there's nothing like an old fashioned bonus check.
  • Agree with Crout's last sentence, the discretionary bonus is a huge motivator. I ahve seen it work great in lots of companies. Two, otherwise equal EEs can be separated with bonus dollars when it comes to rewarding that above and beyond contribution.
  • Thanks for your input! I have passed this on to the owner. Have a great week everyone!
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