Positive Alcohol or Drug Test

We just had an ee test positive for a controlled substance under our DOT random program. Per DOT, he is pulled off all safety-sensitive job duties (truck driving, forklift driving, etc.) pending his first negative test. We moved him into another job class with a resulting decrease in wages until the negative test.
My question -- do any of you also follow this procedure for non-DOT positive alcohol or drug test results? We do random and fit for duty testing of all ee's.
Thanks much.
My question -- do any of you also follow this procedure for non-DOT positive alcohol or drug test results? We do random and fit for duty testing of all ee's.
Thanks much.
We also conduct regular monthly random testing with all safety sensative employees in the pool for a drawing. Again state law dictates that random testing can only be done with safety sensative positions.
Just this morning a received the results back on one of our randoms and it was positive for amphetamines. When I called the employee in to suspend him he said, "Amphetamines!?! I thought I was doing cocaine!!"
We follow the same procedure for non-DOT. A positive result is a termination.
Positive DOT: ee's are removed from all safety-sensitive positions, which generally means they are off work completely, until they visit the SAP AND complete all recommended treatment AT THEIR OWN EXPENSE. Then, following a negative return-to-duty test, they are placed back to work. (I have seen 2 ee's complete this process, but neither lasted long afterward - both due to problems at home. Other ee's say they can't afford the treatment and time off work, so they quit.)
Positive non-DOT: automatic termination.
We don't do randoms for non-DOTs, but if we had a positive post-accident or reasonable suspicion, we'd terminate under our own authority.
Half HR