office space

We have had a downsize in business and I am going to be moved into an office with 4 other people. I feel like the confindential issue I deal with I should not be in with others who can listen to what is being discussed. I am going to ask a room be made avaiable for when I need to use it. But, is there any legal issues we are over looking as far as right to privacy?


  • 9 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Yes, if you are the designated HIPAA person for your company.

    Then, of course, there are plenty of areas that confidentiality should be maintained, however, the legal issues are not so much about privacy rights as protecting the company's bottom line and about keeping knowledge protected that can cause problems in the workforce.

    I won't list all that stuff, unless that is what you want to read.
  • Document protection is as important as being overheard on a confidential call. Having a private room to store documents and/or to have conversations is a start.

    Cheryl C.
  • I understand, how would you go about explaining or bring to the table the issue of privacy to help my point for the need of a private space?

  • I would start with an analysis of the items you deal with on a regular basis that need to be private. You know what they are.

    Then ask the boss how he/she would like you to handle privacy related to these items in a shared office environment?

    For those items related to conversations you might have either face to face or on the phone, same issue. Use real live situations, such as a discussion about payroll, or health insurance or an EEs questions about FMLA, etc.

    Is that the sort of information you are looking for?
  • Thanks for your input and confermation in the matters at hand.

  • Explain the nature of the confidential things you discuss in your role. I have many phone conversations throughout the day. They include calls with our workers' comp carrier in reference to an injured worker, conversations with attorneys, personal reference checks, and discussions with department managers over employee issues - just to name a few. Then there is the traffic in my office. Supervisors, employees, and applicants. Then there are documents. Can you keep your desk cleared and papers locked up every time you step out of your office? I can't imagine sharing an area with other departments and being able to keep these things confidential.
  • I am the only HR person for the City and the position was new when I was hired 4 years ago. I've always shared an office with at least one person and currently share an area with 3 others. From a privacy standpoint it's awful. Even if you make phone calls from a private area there will be countless times you have to leave a message and have the person call you back at your desk and then you have to go find a private space again. Undoubtably, when you are talking to someone in the private area you will need info from your computer or files back at your desk(you can not remember to take everything with you plus the conversations take unexpected turns sometimes).

    Also, in our building, other employees use the space for "just a minute" for a meeting or "just a day or two" to store items and it will never really be your area. You will just be one of many using it.

    I don't know about legalities but you are going to spend a lot of time trying to watch what you say and juggle having the correct info and phone numbers to conduct business away from your desk.

    By the way - my boss now recognizes the problems and is trying to get me an actual office.
  • I can not imagine HR sharing space with anyone other than an HR assistant. I not only have my own office but lock my door EVERYTIME I leave it. The joke is they know I'm coming because they can hear my keys jingling. Do what you have to do to get your own space. There is no way to share with others not in HR. You can't clean your desk and lock up your paperwork everything you leave. My own space, my own locked door is the only way to go!
  • Also, since my computer is always on (so I can work from home), it is "locked" every night.
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