Attendance and when to draw the line?



  • Lead by example is own rule on this also, we have had two supervisors that are not salary and have been laid off just as their ee would have been. Of course we really drive the point home to them that we cannot have supervisors being laid off for being late, thus lead by example, both have only been laid off ONCE! They got the point.
  • Lead by
    >example should be the rule here.

    They try..but it is hard to find secretaries who want to work from 7:30 to at least 5 every day. They settle for having their phones answered between 9 and 5 when most of the telemarketers call.
  • I tend to agree with Pixie. One minute becomes two, then three, etc. Look, you've already suspended this person for this very same problem, and she continues to disregard your warnings. You will begin to put your whole disciplinary system in jeopardy if you refuse to "pull the trigger' when someone fails to respond to previous disciplinary measures. That being said, make sure you haven't allowed others to come in late without repurcussions so as not to appear to be treating employees "unequally". If you have, forget that changes everything; but, if you've been fairly consistent on how you've handled similar situations, I would either cut her loose, or short of that, put her on a "last chance" disciplinary measure, where you explain to her ANY further absences or tardies will result in her discharge, have her sign it, and follow through on your warning. If she cares about keeping her job, she can get up 5 minutes earlier for God's sake!
  • Thanks for all the replies to my question. I will say that the attendance (tardiness) policy we have is not enforced uniformly (i.e. some supervisors overlook a minute or two - sometimes for those with ongoing late problems and others do not.) I recognize that this could cause a potential liability situation. That makes this situation and how to handle it rather challenging.

    Thanks again for the thoughts, ideas and comments. I've definitely got some things to think about.

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