More more commute

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 09-17-04 AT 10:15AM (CST)[/font][br][br]Hi Everyone,

To all of my friends who have been following my story and giving me advice since the beginning of the year, I have a happy update for you.

I've found another job, much closer to home so in 2 weeks I will no longer be commuting 2 hours one way. I gave my notice yesterday. I know that I made the right decision and didn’t realize the amount of stress I was placing on myself until after I gave my notice. I am really looking forward to my new position (still in HR of course).

I want to thank all of you for your thoughts and opinions but most of all for your morale support and prayers over the last few months - especially when my dad passed. You guys are the best and once I am settled in my new position, I will definitely stay part of the Forum.

xhugs Thank you!


PS - It should say No More Commute. The gremlins are at my computer again!! LOL If the forum police see this, can you please change the title!


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