What's Her Game

Ya' know sometimes when you've been in this business a long time, you can just feel when an employee is "up to something".

We have (had) a long time employee (since 1992) who has been a chronically poor performer and should have been terminated looooong before yesterday.

Two issues. She was on FMLA for back surgery....used up all her FMLA and came back to work with a full doctor's release. She wasn't back a week before she fell over a box that someone left in her path....(Workers Compensation). She wasn't out very long for this...did not re-injure her back...hurt her knee this time. Was out a few days...but came back with a release.

Then....she started the business of calling off. We give employees four "unexcused" absences a year and on the 5th they are assessed an additional PTO day as a penalty for unexcused absences. This, of course, does not include any FMLA, WC, etc. She was warned several times and given a final warning that any further unexcused absences without a doctor's excuse might be grounds for termination.

She of course, called in last week (twice) and did not have a doctor's excuse.

The termination went too smoothly and I feel she is up to something, which is probably some type of legal action.

Is there anything else we "coulda" "shoulda" done?


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