religious propaganda



  • Don,

    Your humble opinion is wrong. I met with the ee this morning and I handled the situation. We also had another prankster in the company starting trouble about the same subject and we addressed that as well. Everyone is happy,except you. Whith the permission of the ee that left the tracts I can send you a name,address and phone number so that you can ask him for yourself. I do not appreciate your arrogance and being called a liar and personally I think you should be removed from this message board. But that's just my humble opinion.
  • JJ: Your opinion is everything BUT humble. And, I'm sure you heard the expression, opinions are like a-------, everyone has one.
  • With respect to HR knowledge and opinions regarding interpretation and application, Don D is rarely wrong. You would be hard pressed to find Forum participants who have not benefited from his posts.

    Some of you will remember the threads that discussed bathroom conditions. I recall being quite non-plussed (like that word?) hearing about microparticles becoming airborn during the flush process. Accordingly, I express some doubt regarding the sanitary conditions that are assumed.

    That said, I have often expressed my reasoning for participating on this website. As others have said, the things I learn on this website have a particularly high value to me. Being able to discuss practical application concepts with the professionals that visit this site is a huge benefit. I can tell you that the depth and breadth of the experience and knowledge brought to bear on all of the questions posted makes a huge difference in administering the HR function in our shop.

    Often, this knowledge sharing comes with humor, political shading and, on occasion, a bit of vitriol. Above and behind all of that add-on material one can find the nuggets of knowledge and perspective that help guide one to the strategies and solutions that focus on the problem of the moment.

    Religion in the work place is a valid topic that each of us gets to handle to greater or lesser degrees and discussing workplace applications related to Title VII is obviously on target. That said, I do not want to see each topic referenced in a religious context. It is a bit like driving down 4th Street in Reno with your windows down. The guy on the corner is fervently shouting bible verses and warning of impending doom and advising all of us to get right with God. Meanwhile, all of the pedestrians are trying to minimize contact with this person.

    Each of us gets to walk our own path to enlightenment. Being told by others to take a left at the next crossroads may work for their map but may be completely the wrong direction for the map I am following.

    All of this makes sense to me, but I will not point you to a website that discusses this philosophy, nor would I want to. I would say, find your own path - it can only be followed by your feet, it will not lead others the way they should go, only you.
  • "EEs being handled" and "Pranksters being addressed", is the inquisition alive and well, and living in the state of Kentucky?
  • OK jeffrey, I've had it.
    Don and I are on opposite ends when it comes to politics, religion and even the occasional recipe, but as far as his HR stance we are spot on. This forum would lose a great participant if he ever chose to stop posting. Believe me, it would have to be his choice.
    As far as arrogance is considered you have by far topped whatever percieved arrogance Don may have displayed by having the gall to call for his removal from this forum.
    Youre "handling" of your situation would not inspire confidence in any future advice you would contribute to this forum, in my opinion.
    Please go and deal with your pranksters as you see fit but do not continue to try and convince us that you are on the right "path" as far as employee relations go.

    PS: Don, you can just fax the check to me x;-)
  • I've been following along on this thread but just haven't been able to frame a coherent response to any of it.

    But, the part about the being able to see the light anywhere brought the bible story about Saul on the road to Damascus to mind, which of course led to a mental picture of relocating the scene to a mensroom in a manufacturing plant. Which reminded me of the death of Elvis, which made me wonder if I'm going to burn in he!! as a heretic x}> , which made me wonder what Jeffrey's ees think as he's evangelizing, which made me wonder how many actually are conservative christians or if they are conservative christians b/c he's their boss. Anyway, just some thoughts to share.....

  • Lisa, can I please see a wire diagram of your thought processes? Saul to Elvis to bathrooms - love the way you managed to connect all of them. x;-)
  • Lisa, What do you mean, "the death of Elvis?"
  • I believe Elvis was found dead in his bathroom with his pants around his ankles. I thought he might have seen the light at that moment.....
  • NO, NO, he's still living just up the road here in Kallamazoo, Michigan ... I just saw him ... This fits perfectly with Jeffs thought process - WHACKO BABY!
  • Now why did you have to go and bring up Michael Jackson...??? I'm sure Michael would never stoop so low as to associate with liars and purveyors of pornography.
  • Great connectivity - showing the Truth of an old tale with the story line about the butterfly flapping it's wings on the slopes of the Mount Everest causing ripples in the fabrics of all our lives.

    The thing that worrries me is that I completely understood and followed the logic of your thinking including the icon.
  • Thanks marc, its good to know that my thought processes aren't too far out there.
  • Hopefully there is a sign stating:

    "Don't forget to wash your hands before leaving the restroom."

    With that said, I wash my hands of this thread and wish it bon voyage on its journey down the perverbial toilet.

  • Friends: I have an admission to make. It's painful, but I'll go ahead and blurt it right out. I am at a loss for words.
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 06-10-04 AT 01:15PM (CST)[/font][br][br]Perfectly acceptable Don. What else is left to say? You're well respected and your opinions are worthy of being heard, regardless of what the evangelist thinks. If we stop thinking, listening and valuing other opinions then we might as well all go live in some comunist country where we are told what the "truth is"- or, we could just go work for Jeffreys company. Given the choice, I think I would prefer living in China.

  • Don,

    I apologize for saying you should be removed from the message board. Christians can get upset too. I understand that you have given great advice and have helped alot of HR people make the right decisions. I got really upset being accused by you that I was the one placing the tracts. Maybe after all my replies, it appeared that I was the one, but that is not true. I did not place the tracts and I did talk with the ees involved and everything is OK now. I feel that everyone that has replied with name calling is wrong. I am one of those people and I am very sorry to all of you that have read this thread. We are supposed to be professionals. I have not been acting like one. Please accept my deepest apologies. I never meant to set a bad example for my faith. I am strong willed and sometimes don't know when to shut up. I have asked God to forgive me and I hope that all of you will forgive me as well.

    Take care and have a great weekend.

  • This has been an interesting and enlightening (pun intended) thread. A thought occured to me. No disrespect to Jeffrey, and I have no idea if he is truly sincere or just yanking our chains. But, as a Christian, if I were to initiate a thread on this subject, I would not use the word "Propoganda" in the title. That word has negative connotations and I would not use that word to describe what I believed to be important religious information that may guide someone toward spiritual help. I would keep it on the positive side.
  • Well Ray, for the sake of discussion, if you were to lace your posts with Christian thoughts and peaceful harmony and diversity, painting the pathway to righteousness with behavioral admonitions and flower petals and religious websites, and then one or more people challenged you, would you call for them to be banished? That would seem to be a bit counter to the faith, or am I drawing a wrong conclusion?
  • for everyones sanity i think it is time to let this one go so we can move on to bigger better and more important things i dont think anyone wants this supersized this is according to the prophesy
  • Hmmmmm ... washing hands when leaving the restroom ... Pontious Pilate, anyone?

  • Don't worry about my being a referee. My county has been experiencing severe financial problems and have informed me that this forum will be part of my office budget cuts.

    I don't think I'll be missed much, somehow.


  • I'll miss you. BTW this forum is free.
  • Jeff,
    That was a lovely apology.
    Let's move on, shall we?
  • Yes, but all my other "employment practices" in hard copy aren't and all "non-essential" items are not to be renewed. That means my Fair Labor Standards handbook, my "Michigan Workplace" memos, my HR Special Reports, my newsletters. Everything received from M.Lee Smith, Thomson West and several other publishers are slated for cuts. I feel kind of guilty accessing this forum when I'm not "contributing" monetarily to any of the other products.

    We are also being cut an attorney and since I am the single resident paralegal I must take on as many of those additional responsibilities as possible. There will be no time for reading or posting so I guess I really don't need to know.


  • Surely you will be missed. Mace is correct, the Forum is free. They have discussed having the Forum tied to subscriptions, but, as most sales professionals realize, they might sell something to you, even though you don't subscribe. See ya.
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