Attendance policy

Im in Florida and would like some advice updating our handbook in regards to our attendance policy. I would like any information from other Florida HR professional on their attendance policy. Id like to put together a attendance point system to track attendance and issue discipline when they reach their max. Anyone have anything is writting?
Thank you
Thank you
Please fax me a copy of your attendance policy with corrective action.
Do you have paid sick days available to employees?
My fax number is 402-434-8467.
Thank you.
I'd also very much appreciate a copy of your policy (308)832-2214 attn: Lenetta
We're in the process of writing a policy manual - we've been using a former parent company's handbook for decades, but no one knew it. Long story short, I've been dealing with an HR guru in CA that says a structured discipline policy negates our at-will policy. Anybody else have any experience/heard any rumors on that? I'm in Nebraska, so I KNOW our state laws are quite different.
It's a catch 22 - we don't want to mess with at-will, but if there's wiggle room in the policy, I worry that employees will insist on wiggling. This is, of course, regardless of the policy language that says "the company may take any disciplinary action it feels is appropriate to a given situation".
Ugh. At least my 3 day no call no show from last week called in to say he wouldn't be here today. That's progress, right?
Thank you for your response, I have not been online in a while and have forgot to check the forum. My fax number is 407-324-7311, send to attention: Dean Robertson, Director HR
Thank you very much
thank you
Thank you