new hire packet

I have recently become responsible for putting together a new hire packet. Can anyone list all the requirements that all new hire must complete,sign, be supplied with, issued, etc.? We are in California and have grown quickly recently and I am sure that there are things I am missing. The assistance of the experts on the Forum is a priceless tool and I thank you in advance for your help.
The law requires that you have a W4, state tax withholding form (if applicable) and an I-9.
All other information (depending on company size and status)is voluntary if the employer wants it.
My New Hire Packets contain the following:
Emergecy Contact Information Form
State Tax
Direct Deposit Authorization
Technology Set-up Form
Medical Enrollment
Life Enrollment
Dental Enrollment
Handbook sign-off
Training material sign-off
Other companies who issue uniforms, keys, ID's, credit cards, etc. might also include receipt of such items and policy stating care and condition.
Also, I include in my new hire packets, background release forms and drug test forms, but those are given to the ee before the first day of employment to complete.
Hope this helps some.
Also if you conduct 3rd party background checks you'll need a CA FCRA consent form. A CA FCRA consent form requires more details about the consumer reporting agency (listed address, phone #), and notifies the employee of their rights under Civil Code 1786.22, to contact the agency.
We also notify newhires of the asbestos that is located in the building, which I believe is required by CA, but I can't find the law source on that right now.
Good luck.
You must also supply a Worker's Compensation guide for new hires. Usually your Worker Comp. Carrier with provide you with a brochure to give to new hires. This is only for California not sure about other states.
Does your payroll system automatically report new hires for Child Support purposes? If not, include that form also.
Cobra notification to the new employee and their family members.
HIPAA Notice of Privacy
Good Luck!