Employee on Employee Violence



  • I have not kept up with all the posts on this thread. I guess I was too busy wasting my time behind my desk administering, or spending tremendous amounts of time on the web.

    Too bad metalman exposes his opinions of us with such a derisive manner.

    My take on the HrhelpMe post is one of credibility. Why would an employee of a bank, FOUR years after the incident, suddenly take interest in another employee's plight???

    Me thinks that this person is checking out the possibilities of hiring a lawyer and making a case before spending a dime for a consultation.

    Oh well, I guess I should be "undertaking substantial personal development to be well equipped to handle these issues".

  • >I have not kept up with all the posts on this
    >thread. I guess I was too busy wasting my time
    >behind my desk administering, or spending
    >tremendous amounts of time on the web.
    >Too bad metalman exposes his opinions of us with
    >such a derisive manner.
    >My take on the HrhelpMe post is one of
    >credibility. Why would an employee of a bank,
    >FOUR years after the incident, suddenly take
    >interest in another employee's plight???
    >Me thinks that this person is checking out the
    >possibilities of hiring a lawyer and making a
    >case before spending a dime for a consultation.
    >Oh well, I guess I should be "undertaking
    >substantial personal development to be well
    >equipped to handle these issues".

  • I agree this situation is very unusual. An incident from 4 years ago being investigated by someone other an HR - Wonder what the rest of the story is?
  • Ritaanz,

    Bingo! You win the prize! Don, I have never seen you so riled up on the forum. I guess when your chain is being jerked around, you get that way. Oh well, I have to get back to the web. Don't want to miss threads like this one.
  • Ritaanz, so defensive...I wonder why???

    I didn't call any names...odd that you attached your own??sadly defensive.

    I wonder how much time some folks can spend doing their jobs when the evidence of office / computer time is littered all over this site???If you can provide a good answer to that, I'll fly to Jersey, bottle some of their pure, fresh air, and fly it to AZ as a personal favor to you.
  • Hey Boy, don't you recognize sarcasm when you see/read it?
    Oh, by the way it is 6:30 am where I am, Not company time.
  • What's with the mumbo jumbo about office time being littered all over the site? The site is primarily a business tool, even for latecomers like yourself Aluminumboy. A business tool that is useful for those of us who want to improve our performance in the HR area and manage more effective HR departments. It helps greatly. We learn from each other, I'm sure. I know I do. Hopefully even you can learn something from someone else, although the jury is still out. I digress. A business tool and its use is not associated with 'littering the site on office time'. Even the Hr de har side is business related. It allows us moments of (in)sanity which improves our overall outlook and performance.

    I've said so before and perhaps you weren't listening: Ritaanz has speared me straight through the sternum from the distance of 1000 miles and it took several surgeries to repair the gaping hole. Certainly she can take care of herself; but, I just hate to see your blood in the street. Enter the dance at your own peril my man. Have a good one. x:-)
  • AluminumBoy,

    I just need to ask, why is your response to HRHelpME's question any less "crap" than the others? If she didn't go back and re-read the posts, she just may have missed some of your words of wisdom. How may times have you littered the forum on this particular question?

  • Because I actually answered the question instead of referring her to a lawyer or beating him/her down about the sad situation in their office. Most of the other responses seemed to dance around the question and refer to how poorly management had acted in the past. I think that's quite obvious and a total waste of key strokes. I'm sure folks can find better use of their time.
  • Well, let me see. We have a post from someone in Washington State with the screen name of HRHelpMe. It started off simple enough and then as time went on, we all discover that the original incident happened 4 years ago & nothing has really been recorded since then. Plus, it turns out, HRHelpMe is not even in HR & wasnt' there when it originally happened. Here's what I would do HRHelpMe, I would contact your company's employment attorney and ask them about the company's risk. They are going to know, not us. We only get the information one post at a time & it took several before we even found out that it HAPPENED FOUR YEARS AGO. If this hurts your feelings - well, what can I say, I'm in a mood, so tough.
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