Specifying I9 documents?

I work for a nonprofit healthcare organization. All of our employees must have vaild drivers licenses. Our corporate office has also told us that we msut review the social security cards and enter the exact name (down to whether there is a period after the middle initial) in our system in order to reconcile with social security at the end of each year. So when we set up new employee orientation (when they come in and fill out paperwork), we tell them to bring their drivers license and SSC. We will accept other documentation from list B as long as they provide their SSC within a certain timeframe so we can check the name. I was never totally comfortable with this. Would it be a violation because we are specifying documents or not a violation because (at least in the DL case) we are required by our funders to procure that info before an employee can start? Or am I just thinking too much?


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • JuJu: You're not thinking too much. What you have is multiple requirements for document production. You have a requirement to view documents in the I-9 process, you have another requirement to satisfy your payroll policies and those of the IRS - which allows you to require ss production, and you have a DOT related requirement to satisfy the company that you are putting properly and currently licensed drivers in jobs requiring driving. The three do not conflict, unless you are telling people that they must produce certain documents for the I-9 process. You can tell them: You must produce documents from the lists shown on this form in order for us to certify your identity and right to work and you must produce a valid license in order to drive for us and you must produce your social security number in order for us to pay you and enroll you in our insurance program, so....dump your wallet.
  • Oh WOW! A response from the famous Don D! I have been lurking a while on this forum but now I feel I have truly arrived! Thanks for your feedback - now I am much more comfortable explaining our rationale to anyone who asks.
  • You should listen to DonD. He is right again.
    Vance Miller
    Editor, Missouri Employment Law Letter
    Armstrong Teasdale LLP
    (314) 621-5070
  • I always 'cringe' x:-) when I see on the menu that VMiller has followed a remark of mine, with one of his own. But, he is kind, afterall. So, both JuJu and I are sorta 'bowled over' all at once.
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