terminations & use of passwords

are there any laws against use of passwords by former employees who are terminated or leave the company? I know the #1 rule is to cancel all passwords, but if for some reason and employee had another password unkown to us, do we have any criminal recourse? Especially if there is no harm done?


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I see you're new to the Forum. And it looks like you've baited your hook with a serious question and dropped it in a forum eddy, instead of the main stream. I suggest you re-post your question in the Employment Law section of the forum. There's more fish to bite there. Good luck.
  • I guess I'm a little foggy this morning after the long holiday but I don't understand the question completely.

    Can your terminated employees still access your computer system or network after they are terminated???

  • At our company ees are given access based on their status. When a new ee starts they are assigned access based on their name and when they are terminated, their access is terminted based on their name. While an ee is active they can change their passwords as many times as they want but as soon as the termination notice is sent out their access is terminated immediately. The only way they could try and get around the system is by creating a fake ee which would include getting a signature from two seperate VPs. Not likely to happen. As far as legality, I would consider access property of the company and pursue it from that point. This ee has failed to turn over all company poperty at the time of termination. Consult you attorney and see where you can go from there.
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