Looking for an article

Within the past couple of months, there was a 2 part article on the Hero Line that dealt with ways to reduce unemployment costs. it covered items such as documentation, following set policies, etc. If anyone has a copy of this, please let me know! My email address is [email]peggyr@nacscom.com[/email]. I have tried the search on the website, and cannot find it (I think because it was adapted from a state law letter)
>find it. Or, you can give me your fax number and I can fax it to you.
I do subscribe to the Tenn. law letter. I might have overlooked it in there. My fax number is 423-899-8573.
If not, you could look in the subscribers' area of HRhero.com. Since you're an Employment Law Letter subscriber, you have access to all of the articles from all 51 newsletters - going back to 1994 in Tennessee - at no additional charge. (If you haven't done this before, go to [url]http://www.hrhero.com[/url] and click on the Login box. When you reach the "Welcome" page, click on "HR Answer Engine" in the middle of the page.)
James Sokolowski
P.S. for any Forumites who don't know about HR Hero Line: It's our free weekly e-mail newsletter, edited by yours truly. You can sign up or see a sample issue here: [url]http://www.hrhero.com/enewsletter.cgi[/url]