Except employees must sign in a safety sheet every day. This will help the company in time of emergency and also for attendance purposes. We don't ask the employees for times (they are except group). We just want they to sign in at some time that day. The sheets are posted in 4 locations since we have 2 plants. They just need to sign in or if they were out an explanation like V=vacation, P=Sick/Personal H=Holiday, C=Plant Closed, O=Other. Do you guys do this? We have such a problem with except employees. How about HIPAA?


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added

  • Why do your exempt employees have to sign a safety sheet? Doesn't the company have a time sheet with all those items listed or do the exempt employees just receive a check with no documentation? I can share a timesheet that will address the PDO time (vacation, sick, closed, etc.) if you would like, or if you have an existing form with company verbage, adapt that with check columns.

    What do you need on HIPAA? I work for a home health agency, but can share basic info if you need that. Just let me know. You can email me at [email][/email]

  • We don't have timesheet. They just receive a check. Some people are abusing the system. The safety sheet is also use for attendance purposes. As you can imagine some people have a problem with that.
  • I have all our exempt employees provide me with a monthly calendar that lists all their days off during the month. It's submitted with their signature and their supervisors signature on the last day of the month. This satisfies my recordkeeping requirements for exempt employees. Its keep in their attendance folder. It sounds like you have several different issues going on there.

    As far as the safety log goes, is this for a fire drill or emergency? Shouldn't the supervisors know who is in for the day?
  • That's what I was trying to do. The sheet will be use for both purpose
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