55 Posts
Was my question not appealing enough? I see that several of you have read my inquirey, but no feed back. Someones advise on this matter would be very helpful and appreciated. My question is - Would a seperation letter be a requirement? We have paperwork on the seperation, however I recieved a call from the termed employee asking for a septeration letter. I personally have never had this questions before, and have never seen a letter of such. I am new to the organization that I am working for and I am just a team of one. Again, thank you for your time and have a great day.
Hope this helps.
I'm not trying to embarrass you, but you might not have received responses to your first posting because of the misspelled topic.
John Vering
Mo. Co-editor
>possible punitive damages.
What state(s) are you speaking of. In Mississippi, in the absence of a subpoena, none is required in any case of termination. If a service letter is 'lawyer speak' for subpoena, of course I would agree. We have received letters from lawyers who state their letter of request for a document is a service letter, when, in fact it is not. You guys can be tricky.