On-site work child care program

Could you let me know if a survey has been implemented in your company with regard to on-site work child care programs? My employer is considering doing so. As a result, I am trying to gather information/questions for use in a surevey to be completed by staff. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Good luck with yours and I hope you succeed.
Can you please email that survey to me as well...
Thanks Much
Gotta go pick up the angel now. x0:)
James Sokolowski
Senior Editor
M. Lee Smith Publishers
When I last looked at it a few years ago, the was generally misunderstood. Despite fears of significant risk, actual claims against employer centers were tiny and insurancliability e costs relatively low. I repeat, this was some years ago and should be updated
For some, perhaps many, circumstances are such that the program will be cost-prohibitive; for others, not.
I would add another issue if you go forward: often the number of kids you can accommodate is far smaller than the potential demand. If so, you need to think carefully and in advance how you are going to handle sign-ups and your waiting list to avoid hard feelings and the appearance of management privilege.
Steve McElfresh, PhD
HR Futures