15 minute rule being abused

Today I was made aware by one of our supervisors that one of our part time employees is taking advantage of the 15 minute rule (if you clock in 15 minutes after the start of your scheduled start time you are considered late). This individual clocks in at 6:44 almost everyday (his start time is 6:30). When confronted, he quotes the handbook word for word to the supervisor. The ee has two written warinings since his start date of 11-27 for being late. What can I do/supervisor do to help deterr this problem????
Now I know I was a little long winded sorry. But hey lets not make rules for the problem 1 or 2 lets figure a way to manage the problem person.
Well I know half of the people that read this probably fainted that I did not say fire the bum!
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman
I also think 15 minutes is very liberal.
Good luck!
DJ The Balloonman
We changed the CBA to say "arriving during the grace period, although not docked, shall constitute an instance of tardiness". Now, we can deal with the big offenders and ignore those that are reasonable. The grace period is intended for snow emergencies (I'm near Cleveland and it is 12 degrees today) or other exceptions and is not intended for a modified start time for sleepy employees.
15 Minutes does sound overly generous, and that's coming from blizard country. I tell them, you have a window don't you? When you see snow, leave early.
Just a reminder that there are wage & hour implications if you allow employees to clock in too early.
I think you have here a classic example of someone rising (or sinking) to the standard that you have set.
"You are expected to be at work and at your work work station on time. But, for those instances were you find yourselves in a situation were due to unforseen circumstances you must arrive late, we have created a grace period of ??? minutes. Any one clocking in after the designated grace period we will deducted 15 minutes of their work day"
This is only a suggestion (you can use your own verbage) it worked for us, Boy did it help.
Good luck.
The employee was 45 minutes late on Sunday and Monday. Needless to say the ee no longer works for the company! :DD Say, anyone looking for a cowboy...
Where and what time is the party, cause I am there!!!! You can't be that far from me and I know it will be a great party!.
My $0.02 worth.
ps. I will bring my balloons!