sad story

19 year old waitress at a bennigans here in the dallas area was run over by some patrons who were skipping out on their bill..she went to the parking lot to write down the plate number and the three teenagers in the car ran her over and she died in surgery... does anyone have policies or provide training on what employees should do in a situation like this?...regards,mike maslanka


  • 7 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added

  • That is truly terrible, I am so sorry! Due to extremely high worker's comp claims due to some of our asset protections agents being severly beaten while attempting to restrain shoplifters, they are no longer allowed to so. If the agent cannot stop the shoplifter immediately outside the store door and get them to return inside the store relatively peaceably, they may not chase or get into altercations. We choose to absorb the loss.

  • This is indeed a very sad story. I sure hope the crooks don't know they will not be chased down -- who am I kidding. They know.
  • I am wondering if that company's policy was the waitress had to pay on a walk out?
  • I banking we are very specific. NEVER leave the building to chase a robber. We would rather deal with a loss of funds than a loss of life.

  • they were captured and the driver charged with murder...sonny raises a good question...any hospitality industry people know whether this is common?...reagrds,mike
  • Mike,

    Just want to echo that in banking we have very specific guidelines. For many financial institutions employees who choose to try to prevent a robbery are at risk of termination because it is too dangerous and just not worth it. I've included a portion of our manual. We also do robbery training at least annually.

    1. Assure the robber(s) that all employees will do exactly what is asked of them.
    2. If it is safe to do so, trip the silent alarm.
    3. Observe the robber(s) so that you and other employees can complete a Robbery Reporting form.
    4. Retain and protect any note that was used during the Robbery
    5. Give robber(s) only what they demand; do not volunteer to get more money or do anything else not specifically asked for.

    So sorry to hear about this.


  • jessica,'s important to drill this into employees as a mantra so that they go on automatic and don't even think about what they are doing...I once walked in on a bank robbery.I was in my early 20s,and had worked all night at my job(hotel clerk). Had breakfast in the employee cafeteria,and walked over to the bank down the street,getting there just before it opened. Looking up just before I walked in,I saw the robbers waving guns. Talk about fear.I turned and ran---and I mean ran---and only looked back once to see another guy running too.We never know what we will do in fear induced situations and having a drill to rely on is a good idea.Regards,Mike Maslanka
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