Confidentiality Program
3 Posts
Our company is looking into implementing a confidentiality program. We currently have a policy in place on confidentiality agreement only; however, we do not have a comprehensive program, which would cover all the other aspects or functions within our organization.
Please feel free to share your experiences with this type of programs and what has and has not worked for you...
VG in Chicago
Please feel free to share your experiences with this type of programs and what has and has not worked for you...
VG in Chicago
Another area of concern that all organizations should consider, whether private sector or public sector, is that of personal matters concerning co-workers, management or others within your organization that you may hear, should never be discussed with anyone else.
Along with policy, each employee must sign an acknowledgement of receipt and understanding of the confidentiality policies we have.
Very effective if you want to stop the rumor mill!
Hope this helps.