It got to the point, calls after calls afer calls,
day after day , week after week - from all kinds of people saying that they are / finance companies/ banks/- assuming they are not lying. The last call was the last straw, asking all kinds of personal questions about our employee. I got suspicious, and refused to answer. Then I put a memo out in the factory, saying all employment verifications must be approved in advance in writing by them, noting "to whom" the reference could be given to - and limited to date of hire, position and/or wage rate. The form would be signed by the employee, and me- and put into the employee personel file.


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • In my experience and depending on company policy, we have asked the caller to submit something in writing requesting the information and THEY need to include the authorizion from the employee with their submission. If it is for a mortgage or employment verification, for them to even make the call they should need a signature. If it is someone just being nosey, then don't give any info, especially if you feel there is something suspicious. Just say due to company policy, all requests need to be in writing. Make the responsibility that of the caller AND verify the signature of the employee on the document you receive. Other companies I have worked for will do an employment verification of just job title and hire date (usually asking the caller to give the info and then saying yes or no in response). Salary should not be revealed without written release from the employee (current or former).
  • I would suggest that you ask all inquiries to come to you in writing. You don't know how could be calling and asking for information. It could be someone the former employee has gotten to call you to see what information you may be releasing

    You can't be too careful here.

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