EEO1 Compliance Question

We are a subsidary of a holding company that has its own federal contracts.  We file all of our DOL required filings under the name of the subsidary since that is where all of the employees are housed.  I am being asked a question of why I am not filing under the holding company as well since they have their own federal contracts but they don't house any employees at all so that doesn't make any sense to me.  Does any one know if we are required to file for both of if we are in compliance since I am filing for where all of the employees are housed.  The concern is that we must verify that we are in compliance with all state and federal filings and there is hesitation to say yes under the holding company's name since technically they have not filed.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Who is asking?  If it's a federal agency on friendly terms, simply ask them why the holding company, which has no employees, needs to file and express a complete willingness to comply with whatever is required.

    If there is no relationship or a frosty or otherwise concerning relationship with a federal agency, you really should get the answer from an attorney.

    If the question is coming from inside your Company, give them the best answer you have and request counsel time if they find that answer unacceptable.

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