How to recruit talent if company policy is 2 weeks vacation to start?

How does HR recruit talent if company policy is 2 weeks vacation to start? Some non-managerial, mid-career tech talent don't want to "start from scratch" vacation-wise after years of experience in their professions. And younger tech talent often demands more as well. This is an impediment to good hiring. Senior execs can sometimes negotiate more vacation days, but this typically isn't possible for more junior folks.

So if the vacation policy won't or can't be budged (esp. in large companies where it's going to take the equivalent of an Act of Congress to do so), what can hiring managers do to "sweeten the pot?" What are some alternatives for those candidates who like to "work hard, play hard?"




  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • From what I am seeing, 2 weeks is still the "norm" for someone just starting out with a company.  Yes I know there are some candidates, like you said, that want 3 or 4 weeks because of the number of years they have been working.

    Can you offer other things like telecommuting or flexible work schedules to these individuals?

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