Job Descriptions

Is it recommended to have the following question on job descriptions (or perhaps a different version)..

Can you perform the essential functions of the job for which you are applying either with or without reasonable accommodation?   Yes     No  


Also, is it recommended to have it say "applicant signature" or just "signature" and date.  Everything I see as examples do not show these on their job descriptions but I heard it was a good idea to include the quesiton as well as a signature line.


Thank you for your response and help!




  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • [quote user="3800521"]Is it recommended to have the following question on job descriptions (or perhaps a different version)..

    Can you perform the essential functions of the job for which you are applying either with or without reasonable accommodation?   Yes     No  


    Also, is it recommended to have it say "applicant signature" or just "signature" and date.  Everything I see as examples do not show these on their job descriptions but I heard it was a good idea to include the quesiton as well as a signature line.


    Thank you for your response and help!




    There are ins and outs of job descriptions (whether to have them at all, what to put on them, etc.)

    The primary benefits of this approach are (i) that you can screen out "hope I get in" applicants who don't lie, because they'll check "no"; and (ii) people who do not perform as expected can be fired for misrepresenting their abilities.

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