Required Paid Sick Leave - MD

I know there are a few on here that are part of companies located in  MD or at least have employees that work at a location in MD.  FYI - I just got an alert that the MD legislators are scheduled to vote on 2 key pieces of legislation by March 3rd that could have a major impact on benefits in the state. 

The first is H.B. 1269 - Maryland Healthy Families Healthy Workplaces Act which would require employers with more than 15 employees to provide 9 days (72 hours) of paid sick leave a year for the employee, family member (including spouse, child, brother, sister, parent, grandparent, grandchild, etc), birth/adoption, or to deal with a sexual assualt situation.  If you have under 15 employees you would be required to provide 5 days (40 hours) of paid sick leave.  You would be required to allow employees to roll over unused sick leave each year.  The law would go into effect on 10/1/09. 

The second is H.B. 902 - The Maryland Family and Medical Leave Act - would require those employers that are subject to the federal FMLA to include in the definition of immediate family the following individuals - brother, sister, grandparent, grandkids, domestic partner and a child of a domestic partner.

These two pieces of legislation could have a major impact on companies.  I also see this having an effect on some of the neighboring states.  MD has been looking at this since DC enacting their paid leave law. I suspect if this passes MD that we will see VA legislators try to follow suit. 



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