Farewell for employees who have resigned

Looking for a better way to communicate to the staff that an employee is leaving the company.  Any ideas on a professional way to send them off?


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • What have you done in the past? There are a couple of schools of thought on this. One is to have as little disruption as possible - an email to everyone saying X has decided to leave, we wish him/her best of luck in future endeavors, until a replacement has been found please see Y for questions related to this position.  If the employees wish to do something then they can do it after business hours like organizing a happy hour event, but not a company sponsored event.   The second is to make a bigger deal and thank the person for their service - if an office environment have seen the employees put together a pot luck to say good luck, a good luck card and everyone puts in money for a gift, etc.  It really depends on the company culture.

    To be honest, unless someone is retiring, I really prefer to keep it to as little disruption as possible.  If one of the employees wants to organize a happy hour after work to say goodbye then the employees can do that on their own. 

  • Team,

    X is no longer with the Company. (S)He did some good things while (s)he was here and has moved on to other things.  I hope you will all join me in wishing him/her the best of luck.


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