Employee Harassment Investigation Questions

I work in a small (110 ee's) manufacturing company in Wisconsin.  Recently, one of my employees found a can of lysol in the shop that had his name written on it along with a couple of vulgar words.  I plan to investigate the incident but am unsure where to start.  I am really looking for some example questions I might ask to not only the victim but also any potentially acused employees.  Any other suggestions are welcome as well, thanks.


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  • [quote user="6346517"]

    I work in a small (110 ee's) manufacturing company in Wisconsin.  Recently, one of my employees found a can of lysol in the shop that had his name written on it along with a couple of vulgar words.  I plan to investigate the incident but am unsure where to start.  I am really looking for some example questions I might ask to not only the victim but also any potentially acused employees.  Any other suggestions are welcome as well, thanks.


    I detect a drama bomb.  Without more information, there's not going to be a good way to investigate this without ticking off the line supervisors because you'll end up having to talk to everyone.  It's unlikely to be resolved if you don't have security cameras.

    The way I would approach this is to ask the victim who he or she thinks may have done this and ask them why.  That gives you some people to talk to and some hand writing to look at.  In the end, you will probably say "Although the Company determined that your concern has some basis in fact, given the physical evidence, we were not able to determine who committed the act but please rest assured that we do not condone this type of behavior and will take appropriate steps if and when additional information comes to light."

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