Request for second job

Hi everyone,

This morning, an employee submitted a request for a second job.  As we're a bank, employees must disclose any outside employment that may create a conflict of interest. This employee requested permission to work evenings at a bar know for scantilly clad women.  My first instinct is to allow this request; the bar is not a client of the bank.  However, this is a fairly small town and I'd hate to have one of our clients see his leather-encased waitress from last night processing his loan.  We could deny the request based on the fact she'd be working late nights which may affect her day job, but we have other employees who work late at gas stations, etc. 

 Any advice? 


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • You sound like you are in an awkward position. First question, would you have a problem with a male employee working at the bar?  If it is legal work and does not violate company policy (it seems to violate none of your policies), I would approve it, especially since you approve other late-night work. You shouldn't try to manufacture a reason to deny the request - you should rely on company policy and practice and be consistent. In the scenario you present if a client goes to such an establishment and then has a problem with someone who works there processing his or her loan, that would be hypocritical. With the credit crunch the way it is I doubt too many people will be objecting to a loan because of the loan processor's legal nighttime work, especially if the client enjoys such establishments himself/herself.
  • If you have a policy (check code of conduct in particular) stating that employees cannot engage in activity that disparages the image of the Company, that may give you enough of a fig leaf to deny the request but keep in mind that if the employee is covered by the Wagner act, then employees acting in concert to disparage the company in their own best interests may be construed as protected concerted activity.
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