Metrics; Managers to staff ratios

I am inquiring if anybody would be willing to share what your ratio of managers to staff is, as well as your region of the country and industry type. Or if you are aware of any source or sources of infomation that could help me discern what an appropriate or average ratio is or would be.


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • You are going to get responses that are all over the place. There are way too many factors to consider:

    • Industry
    • Business culture: Corporation, Non-profit, Government, Union, Family-owned, etc.
    • Business size
    • Centralized or decentralized operations
    • How many tiers of management exist 
    • Groups within a single business could largely vary based on type/function
    • How much work is outsourced
    • How closely employees must be monitored
    • How much of the employee performance/promotion/discipline occurs on the manager's level vs HR/upper mgmt  (what and how much a "manager" is truly managing)

    I have seen this question asked with a different spin...usually how many HR or payroll employees would a certain size company need. Even with that reference, it is hard to state an "appropriate or average" ratio.

  • [quote user="6337604"]I am inquiring if anybody would be willing to share what your ratio of managers to staff is, as well as your region of the country and industry type. Or if you are aware of any source or sources of infomation that could help me discern what an appropriate or average ratio is or would be.[/quote]

    I agree with HRforME.  How about you tell us more about your situation and those of us with knowledge of your working conditions and industry can chime in.

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