Employee Free Choice Act

Everywhere I turn lately, I'm reading about the Employee Free Choice Act. Did something happen with this bill? I thought it was voted down in the Senate. I'm thinking all the press is related to thinking that it will be law if we have a Dem President and majorities in both houses. Anyone know of anything else triggering all this news?
[quote user="Chicago1"]I'm just reading that EFCA has been introduced in Congress. Does anyone know if this law will affect small companies (under 20 employees)? Any ideas on how small companies can prepare for this--or should we just wait and see?[/quote]
EFCA will affect every business that can be unionized. Generally, that means every company that has 2 or more employees (at least 2 are required to engage in "concerted activity"). The general thrust of this is that it will probably be easier for unions to get certification because what amounts to a petition will suffice where a hidden ballot election used to be required.