Worker's Comp in Texas

Okay here is the scoop - We have an employee who after 2 months claimed a repetitive elbow injury (which was disclosed during a discipline proceding for total failure to follow the attendance policy).  So I filed workman's comp, they decided to dispute the claim.  The last time the employee went to the doctor he was put on restricted duty.  They employee has recently found out about the dispute and that he may be responsible for his own future claims.  So he said he would like to go back to his original department and forget the whole thing.  He said he wasn't going to dispute the claim and offered to sign a waiver regarding suing us or filing the dispute.

 Normally we have a doctor put the employee back to full duty or regular duty - however this employee is stating that he can't pay the doctor to get the slip to go back to full duty.  And I'm nervous putting him back to full duty due to the worker's comp claim.

Thoughts on this?  Thanks in advance!


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • If you have a doctor's note that puts someone on light duty you need to follow those instructions or send the person to the doctor to get released.  Even if you end up paying for that doctor's visit you need to do this. If not you are opening yourself up to a claim, even if the first one was denied.
  • [quote user="IT HR"]If you have a doctor's note that puts someone on light duty you need to follow those instructions or send the person to the doctor to get released.  Even if you end up paying for that doctor's visit you need to do this. If not you are opening yourself up to a claim, even if the first one was denied.[/quote]

    What she said.

    Consider going the non-subscriber route.  email me at for a good law firm referral who can set you up.  Typically way cheaper than workers' comp and less risky.

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