Expense Report Policy

I need to write an expense report policy... does anyone have any advice on how to do this?


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Here are some things to consider:

    1. What are going to be reimbursable expenses?  What will not be reimbursed?
    2. How often do you want the employee to turn them in (weekly, biweekly, monthly)?
    3. How long after the expense has occurred will you reimburse -(ie. someone has an expense in May, forgets to turn it in and then tries to submit it in August, are you going to accept it)?
    4. Who is approving the expense report?
    5. Must some expenses be approved before they occur in order to get reimbursed?
    6. Where is it turned into (Accounting, a Manager, etc.)?
    7. Requirement of receipt in order to get reimbursed (but remember sometimes things like cabfares and parking you can't get a receipt for)?
    8. I would put a note in the policy stating that falsifing receipts, expense reports, expenses, etc constitutes fraud and anyone caught doing this will be subject to termination (have had this happen before!)
    9. Who any exceptions to the policy must be approved by.


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