Maw & Pop Staffing Company

I am in need of a single source provider contract. We have a few small companies that we would like them to use us soley as there provider of temps and need help creating a contract for this purpose. Can someone please give me a hand.

 Thank you,


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I would suggest visiting a local lawyer in your area.  You have to make sure you don't get into anti-competition laws. I suspect states that do not allow employee non-competes would look disdainfully on this contact also. Anytime you get into contract issues, seeking legal representation is just the smart thing to do. 

    That said, what kind of incentives/disincentives are you going to offer to get them to sign such a document?  Are you going to require that they sign to be a client? How are you going to enforce it if they don't use you as their provider after having signed?  What happens if they need a temp that you can not supply?  I guess I don't see what it offers to the small companies unless there is some type of (large) discount from market rate. Otherwise,there is no way I would sign such a contract for our small company.

  • You need an employment law attorney who understands business contracts to review it for each state in which you will be doing business under this contract.
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