I need your professional opinions

I came U.S. a few months ago, I got a Master degree and worked as a HR manager in my country for five years. Now, if I would like to find a HR job in America, How can I do? Is there any opportunity? Please give me some advices! Thank you!


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • How familiar are you with US Employment laws?  There are quite a few of them.   I would suggest working on some type of certification that immerses you in US policies and laws.  Also realize that the individual states have varying laws (wage, workers compensation, etc) that go from one end of the spectrum to the other.

    I would suggest looking for a company that has global operations too.  Especially in the country that you come from.  They would be more likely to have a spot for you than a small American-based company with no international operations.

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