Performance Management Alternatives

Has anyone inpllemented an alternative to traditional Performance appraisal systems whicih are forward thinking and get away from a lot of complex forms and a top down approach?


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  • I don't know if you would consider ours to be "alternative" but I have a standard blank form that includes basic info (hire date, salary history, etc).  Since we are small, I sit in all performance appraisals and take notes on the blank form. I have taught the managers to state what is good, what needs improvement and what goals there are for the employee in the next time period.  Usually they last about 30 minutes.

    But we have a pretty honest/open communication style. Nothing we say in a review should come as a surprise to the employee.

    I tried to setup a system where the manager circles a choice under a bunch of different headings, but it was never used. We have lots of different job titles (no two people do the same job), so a standard review form just didn't seem to work well. I wanted to find something that they would use for every review. Around here that meant it HAD to be simple.   While none of us like reviews, this at least seem to work better than anything we had tried before. 

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