Can an employer give out an employee's resume to another company w/o their permission?

My company is in the middle of acquisition discussions with a number of corps. in our industry.  They want to provide all employees' updated resumes to potential acquirers as part of the document pkg they deliver.  Are there any issues with doing this?  If employees aren't looking to be retained by the acquirer or if they might plan on applying for positions at the acquiring company that they may tailor their resume and experience for, would we be infringing on any of their rights to protect that info?  Also, if they asked, would we be required to let them know who we were revealing their resumes to? (We are not sharing the potential acquirer names with the employees.)

 Thanks in advance for guidance here.

 Confused in CA.


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • You'll need to check your state law, but I think if it is part of due diligence in an acquisition, it should be fine.  We usually ask for employee resumes from companies we are acquiring as part of the due diligence process.



  • This is a common part of the due dilligence process in acquisitions.

    However, your state may have privacy laws that may require you to redact certain portions or require you to get permission from the employee first.

  • I don't know what's going on above.  I got an error message that this forum was moderated.  Then the post appeared multiple times.  And when I tried to delete the bad posts above it said I didnt' have permission.  Anyhow, here is what I tried to write:

    We do a lot of proposals for gov't work and many require employee resumes.  What we have done is make a "company" resume a job requirement.  They are updated by employees every 6 months to account for new skills, degrees, etc.  The company resume looks similar to a regular resume, but they are all standardized.  It's basically a form that employees fill in with their information and when it's printed it looks like a resume.  We don't have personal info like address and home phones on them. 

    This way we're not using their personal documents, we're providing company documents.

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