Employee Recognition Program Advice Needed

I am interested to hear your recommendations for a great employee recognition program.


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • The best one I have seen is an environment where upper management enables middle management to reward/recognize employees on a consistent basis. Not through a standard program, but through an environment that allows them to immediately reward/praise them.  This means you have to have well trained middle management that is able to recognize behaviors and performance without playing favorites (which can get sticky).  {employee of the month, teacher of the year have never, in my mind, been successful at recognizing everyone who needed to be recognized...being limited to picking just one makes it impossible}

    For example, when I was in the 401k recordkeeping business (back in the pre-daily mutual fund days), we did quarterly processing.  So we were very cyclical.  At the end of a particularly hard processing cycle, our bosses would do something like take us all to lunch as a thank you.  Or give us an afternoon off early.  Or bringing in breakfast tacos, etc.

    Then once I got to mid-management, I moved into the bonus/incentive program which was formulated to recognize performance of middle to upper management.

    So that's my perspective on what has worked well for me. 



  • Thank you so much HRforME!  I really appreciate your advice, very nice!
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