Wage Garnishment

Do private business' have the authority to obtain information from employers regarding employees personnel information w/out the employees signed authorization?  I am aware of the laws in regards to child support and/or tax levys.


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Not at our company except through a subpeona/court order and even then we would have our corporate counsel look it over before providing any.  But your state privacy/garnishment laws may vary.  Absent state law, it might be up to the company policy itself. Most companies strictly limit the information they will give out without a signed authorization.

     What state are you in?

     ETA: there are some laws in regard to the NLRA and unions having access. I am not qualified to discuss that though.  Here is an interesting article that I ran across: http://www.jacksonlewis.com/legalupdates/article.cfm?aid=825  But I am assuming you are just asking in regards to wage garnishment by companies other than the govt.

  • [quote user="6356145"]Do private business' have the authority to obtain information from employers regarding employees personnel information w/out the employees signed authorization?  I am aware of the laws in regards to child support and/or tax levys.[/quote]


    In general, no.  I often come across release forms that release a company to look but don't release prior employers from telling.  Following in the footsteps of many companies, and despite the fact that employers are actually protected in Texas from revealing quite a bit of information, we simply do not even with a proper signed release.

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