Creating a pay structure for Sales Force
1 Post
We are creating a new position within our sales force. There will be three sectors; Aviation, Electoral and Planning. Does anyone have any suggestions on how they put their structure in place? Or any sites that I may be directed to to gain more insight on this project.
Do you have a pay grade structure in place? Do you grade jobs by factors Iike the point factor analysis?
The factor comparison method proceeds by breaking each job down into certain compensable factors, rank-ordering the jobs on the basis of each of these factors, and then assigning point values based on the rank ordering. The first step in this process is to determine which compensable factors will be used (a discussion of selection of compensable factors appears under the point method, below). For sales jobs, you might consider the following factors: mental requirements, skill, physical requirements, responsibilities, and working conditions.
There us akso a good article on improving pay strategy (on this site) at